
Don’t know if you’re trying to be sarcastic about that, but President Trump definitely HAS been a champion for so many great American citizen Latinos in this country [some of whom are“naturalized Americans”, & none of whom scoffed at our laws by “breaking & entering” into our country as illegal aliens, where many of

Our quite wonderful magnificently gracious & lovely American First Lady Melania Trump doesn’t “look old” at all, & for the 50 year old woman she is she of course looks amazingly fantastically OUTSTANDING !

If you’re at least ostensibly “an American”, and you think the National Anthem of the United States is “a racist song”, then you’re definitely in the wrong country, buddy.

Actually, Chris, you simply couldn’t be more wrong, here, in making your reply statement to nerd_racing *, saying that “Your assertion doesn’t jibe with the team’s own press release, which describes him as the team’s new backup quarterback. But, sure, whatever you need to tell yourself.”