
Still waiting for that funny story from the Dylan show.

Don’t think you know what accelerate means.

Especially when what they really did was be strapped to someone who was skydiving. (And, “I landed on my feet”?)

The ones who say they aren’t Yankee fans think they are establishing major credibility for their comment, or are being magnanimous in praising a Yankee. When people call in to Dan Bernstein’s sports radio show in Chicago and say such things, he always interrupts them and says, “We don’t care.” Because we don’t.

That sounds completely apochryphal.

Nobody goes there anymore.

Yes, but all the people who own them suddenly have cars that don’t perform as they did when they bought them—through no fault of their own. That is no solution. And apart from current owners, who is going to buy a car with a rep for compromised performance?

“England isn’t as good as it’s made out to be.”

Right. What you said would have been her intelligent answer.

“that participants must admit that they’ve never been divorced or had an abortion”

Come on: The meds excuse for simply being drunk is the oldest one around.

I think 5 minutes early is actually the Coughlin standard.

The rules should be fixed so that a team never benefits by committing a penalty.

If you read Deadspin at work, there is nothing more inconvenient than a podcast.


I love the description of Valerie Jarrett as “a senior adviser.” What she is is a second wife, a boot polisher, a head patter to the president’s narcissism, and the White House enforcer.

The pee story spooks me. I was a renter in house with a woman who was not my girlfriend. I was really drunk, and apparently I went into her bedroom while she was sleeping and peed on her floor (not on her). The saving grace was I was so drunk, my pee was basically water, so even she could not say conclusively I had

Hetero man here. Maybe every lad such as myself should have to deliver one to a guy before ever getting one from a girl or woman. Just a thought.

It would be a stretch, because in addition to proving the rape occurred there would have to be strong evidence that Kane was intoxicated. Naturally, many assume he was, but proving it might be a challenge

Johnny Football was a drunken jerk, but if he really is doing the recovery thing, it’s a low blow to call him an alcoholic as an insult. People in recovery acknowledge that is who they are.