
This post is disturbing for invoking “victim blaming.” Barry, that denotes that you know the woman was a victim. You do not know that; you have no idea. If charges are laid, the public will have a chance to see the sides of the story. People in their 20s who get drunk do all kinds of stuff. Patrick Kane has not even

When is the last time a bomb threat ever turned out to be a bomb? If you wanted to blow people up, why would you issue a warning?

Is English the second language for this writer?

When Manhattan had lots of what were called “stationery stores,” but were actually stores that sold a mishmash of products like candy, Westclox pocket watches, magazines and comic books, and, indeed, office products (many had or once had soda fountain counters from which the egg cream was the beverage of choice), I

If somebody is paying her rent, and her expenses, which is undoubtedly the case (or she has a huge stack of inherited/trust fund money), it will “succeed” as long as she keeps showing up.

Third—what the writer doesn’t understand—you get $400 bucks for a voluntary delay in getting there.

Family markets provide good volunteer situations. Once I was going ORD to DFW during kids’s spring break. This was when AA was flying that route about one plane per hour all day long. Family groups needing seats made them desperate for volunteers. I got a thousand bucks for volunteering off two flights in a row and

I don’t think the writer of this piece really thought out the math.

That is the only way by which this article makes sense, because if you don’t want to be bumped, your odds are almost certain that you won’t be bumped. The weird premise here is that if your flight is overbooked and you don’t take the voluntary bump, you can sit back, get bumped, and get the big payoff. For most

But it is dumb. The headline is simply nonsensical, overgeneralized advice, based on an imprecise understanding in what goes on with how airlines calculate bookings.

Exactly. That is why this article is so dumb. It kind of assumes that when a flight is overbooked and calls for volunteers, if you don’t volunteer, you will get involuntarily bumped and get the greater payment. Given the odds, involuntary bumping will not happen even to most frequent fliers in their lifetime. I have

This is a ridiculous post. First of all, involuntary bumps are very rare; your own chart shows that the odds are about 1 or 2 in 10,000. But more to the point, you don’t really have a “choice” between being bumped and taking the voluntary rebook payment. Think about it: Generally, airlines start offering the

Maybe you inadvertently revealed the answer with a question:

I am still puzzled as to why it was in anyone’s interest to leak a trade as a done deal when it wasn’t. Just “insider ego” at work, I guess.

Except that’s it’s supposed to be some hillbilly pronunciation—like the equally hilarious Murica—but it’s how almost everyone pronounces the word. Even “educated” people shorten or skip vowels like that; only Bob Woodward anunciates each and every (often pronounced “evry” by hicks and college grads alike) one.

Why is “librul” supposed to be so endlessly hilarious? It’s even how most liberals pronounce the word.

And they don’t even show the supposed “London to Atlanta” leg.

He hotdogged it into being a home run. Going over the wall was totally his choice.

Best pair is Heckle and Jeckle.

Those happen to be the Doors’ and Eagles’ lamer efforts.