
Agreed! Also: tomatoes - you're destroying the taste by putting them in the fridge (even if you warm them up later).

Indeed. This doesn't seem like the time Gawker should be advising anybody on how to deal with trolls.

I suppose the could just block all posting of photos and make every tweet require approval by admins before it gets displayed to anyone. That seems to be a really effective way to prevent the less than 1% of negative traffic on your site... *stares sarcastically*

Right? They just say Gentrification over yonder and it becomes a fucking circle jerk of self-righteousness where no real solutions get posed other than the insinuation that the city would be better off without the tech community, which is a laughably ignorant opinion.

Nice article. Someone should show it to the writers over at the Gawker main page.

The cop was later asked to write an essay on exemplary policing for the Washington Post.

What do we pour on people for concussion awareness?

Oops, forgot one little fact.

Okay, so according to this I'm a "thrill seeker". Then it suggests to "constantly set deadlines". Okay... but if the deadline doesn't really mean anything (that is, it is a self-imposed arbitrary deadline), as opposed to a deadline with a real consequence (filing your taxes on time, doing a project for an

Which category am I in if I simply think video games are more fun than work?

Ahhh proof you've never been to Los Angeles, the beaches are cloudy months at a time. "June Gloom".

Kelly: The girl you wanted to fuck.

Back in the late '90s, I was in the Balkans with the U.S. Army and had to do escort duty for a USO tour. It was a couple of NFL cheerleaders, some middlingly popular starlet whose name I forgot about six seconds after she left, and Dennis "Mr. Belding" Haskins. I was a tad out of the SBTB demographic at the time, so I

Nope, everyone loved and still loves Saved By The Bell. You must of been more of a Blossom type of kid.

No character profile on Kelly? You jealous dick.

Suck it, whiny Battle Royale fanboys. We Steven King fans were into deadly televised sports as entertainment or the populace of a fascists state way before it is cool. It wasn't a new idea then, because it dated back to Roman gladiatorial games and other competitions (which The Hunger Games calls back to with the

I got halfway through, got bored, started scrolling, thought to myself, holy freaking shit, saw a paragraph that started with "I feel..." where I thought the point would be, saw it wasn't, and kept scrolling to the comments. Get over yourself. You're not the opposite of a moron just because you read this shit.

Length is definitely an issue if you are trying to become a sportswriter. In terms of writing in general, length is an issue if the writer repeats themselves or uses space that does not support the overarching point of the article. I'd say that the writer is guilty of doing both.

As others have noted, length is a significant problem with this piece. He quotes fucking Chris Cornell.