Saved by the Bell aired on Saturday mornings. ;)
Saved by the Bell aired on Saturday mornings. ;)
Characters: Umm, you forgot a biggie: Kelly.
Oh look, folks. An internet tough guy. I know I'm impressed. How about ya'll?
Um, and as others have noted, length is not a problem at all.
Do you feel better now that you've gotten over that little self-induced temper tantrum and spewed all that irrelevant bile out into the world? Good. Then let us proceed in a more rational and adult manner, shall we?
Or at least some general road-mapping and headers. Maybe a table of contents.
It would be your responsibility to get more people to drink more Coke ,even though people are slowly beginning to realize that Coke is fucking poison. You'd have to secure lucrative contracts with the Chinese government to supply all its schools and prisons and secret prisons and double secret prisons and schools…
Terrifyingly long?
You'll need to get your landlord's approval before undertaking any major changes, of course, but a little elbow grease and a few bucks from your landlord and everyone wins—you get a nicer place to live, and they get a more valuable property.
Remind me never to fly Malaysian Airlines.
Lol — I thought that was just good boner etiquette. Sort of like how girls hug without pressing their boobs on someone. ... like .... a tent hug for when you've pitched a tent?
Jesus Christ, why did you show that? This is a legitimate fear of mine, and the sole reason I always turn on the light before using the bathroom at night.
Lets be fair to Seth McFarlane: Is there really a more apropos place than the Oscars to make a bulimia joke? I mean, other than the Teen Choice Awards, of course.
Short Answer: Yes.
pssst ... a girl would also be a "spare heir," or more properly, a "spare." England changed their succession laws, so even if Prince George had been Princess Georgina, she still would have inherited the throne ahead of any subsequent male issue.
I guess no one is chastising that kid with the old, "well, don't you just think your God's gift to this Earth?" anytime soon.
The Ros character is a 'prop.' In every sense of the word that you can apply it to her character. She doesn't even exist in the books, as in she isn't even a named character. She is merely refereed to as a whore at an inn by Winterfell.
2140? What the fuck kind of score is that? I don't even understand what that number means. Back in the stone-age, when I took the SAT, the max score was 1600.
The caption below the photo reads "Exhibit A: Proof she was asking for it, your honor."
Soo, you read Reddit yesterday too, huh?