
I just want to echo what has been said: most people I know wear their engagement ring every day. However, I know lots of women that don't wear their wedding band, usually because it causes some problems when worn with the engagement ring and they would prefer to wear the sparkles.

Yup. Most people want to get a full carat (or a half - really just a round number that sounds good in your price range) for the center stone because... well, just because of the reason you noted.

I get you. ;)

So do I. I love fancy cut diamonds. I literally lust for pear-shaped earrings.

Your ring is lovely.

Totally. But I think that a lot of guys(!) don't do this because they either (1) don't want to ruin the surprise; (2) are generally clueless and think it is all the same thing; (3) are sort of dicks who think it is a gift and she should be happy with whatever he chooses.

Sapphire engagement rings are very big in India. They don't want diamonds.

Don't worry about it too much. Assuming your grammar is a reflection of your other marketable skills, I highly doubt that your annual earnings are even close to $200k.

And what does being married/engaged typically signify? That the couple is in love. Transitive property and what-not.

Regarding your suggestions for other uses for the money, all but one of them are a worse way to spend the money than buying the ring, economically speaking. Only the downpayment on the house is going to appreciate in value (hopefully). Everything else, the vacation, the student loan debt, the zero-edge pool, near

looks like she's marking (going through the motions, loosely for muscle memory) for at least 25% of the video.

Not really. I would actually say that it is of particularly poor quality, especially if you have sensitive skin. If not, paint away and enjoy the disposable fashion fun! ;)

Go for it! And I'll buy the red ones I have been eyeing, and we can go stomp around and yell at the Millennials together!

I'm getting so much wear out of my Docs from high school. So much. And the compliments — you would think people have never seen Original Docs before. I mean, they are spectacularly worn in, but wow.

double post.


You mean Islamists are crazy fucks? Wow, who knew?

because of the person's employment

Oh, absolutely. The whole concept of race, especially as it relates to nationality, is a really fluid concept. What we would today identify as an 'italian' look would be completely foreign to the people of ancient Rome, who looked nothing like modern day Italians. This 'mixing' is especially prevalent in the areas

Moreover, the concept of race =/= nationality is a relatively new thing. Even the intermixing of the 'European races' amongst themselves in the U.S. is/was a type of racial blending. This is why people from around the world often think that [white] 'Americans,' and to a lesser degree [white] Canadians, have a