
1. How does who you are connected to impact how far you can go professionally?

@deleahrium: That's exactly what I read, shot in 2D and enhanced to 3D.

I saw the 3D version and quite frankly it gave me a headache. I learned later that the film was shot in 3D and the scenes enhanced. That makes sense because I found myself constantly needing to put the glasses on and take them off for clear viewing.

Well then maybe you should take the hint.

@smallc: Seriously, men are supposed to be smarter than us and everything right? How can they not understand this simple thing?

Maybe if we say it often enough, like throwing mud, eventually something will stick.

@badmutha: I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could say that would make a difference in the pain. But I'm sending good thoughts your way.

@dridirtitini: One of them, Tia I think, had a show for a while on CW, that got canceled after a couple of seasons. Not sure about the other one.

@jcb820: It was busy, and everything does seem more difficult if you can't sleep well. Hopefully next week will be better. Cheers.


@redqueenmeg: But the weight gain was for PREGNANCY! You're totally excused.

@lizdexia: My thoughts exactly. Hearted.

@WashingMyHair: It confused me as well. If the pregnancy is intrauterine- it 's NOT ectopic. If it were an ectopic pregnancy, she'd need laparoscopic surgery, not an abortion.

@PixieSparkle: It's not silly at all. I like fergalicious too, it's been on my ipod for a long time!

@NewsBunny: Ugh, that zit thing on family guy totally freaks me out. I can never watch it. #openthread

Wow, I haven't heard this song in such a long while! I think I'll add it to my workout playlist.

@Renata Halpern: Nobody is calling you a bad person here, what we are saying is that you did a bad thing.

@Renata Halpern: This is really saddening. It's unfortunate that her mental illness, poverty and in fact her very existence offend you so. Please, accept my apologies on her behalf for making your bus ride so uncomfortable; I can see it haunts you still, even after you left the neighborhood. How you must have