the atlanta falcons were in the super bowl, not the baltimore ravens
the atlanta falcons were in the super bowl, not the baltimore ravens
As a Who Weekly? stan since Day 1, I’m not sure how I feel about this yet.
Can you please let me know where to send my resume to be considered for the “riding the elevator up and down and/or lurking in the bathroom at awards shows” job? Thx
This is excellent — exactly what I’d want from a gossip podcast. Please keep it up!
Please upload to Google play.
I have been waiting for this!!!
uggh. itunes. somewhere else?
The header did not mention bloated feces, so I presume we won’t be seeing anything about Trump.
yes, it will soon!
A cross between Mike Meyers in Wayne’s World, and Alec Baldwin’s SNL Trump.
Excited to listen to this tonight on my way home from work!
QUESTION: Can next week’s DirtCast just be one long dramatic reading of the Tom Hiddleston GQ profile?
Is Bobby still gonna do Who Weekly? Or is he like, an official Them now?
Wow, just saw that the ep is like 52 minutes long! can’t wait to listen on my way to work!
oh man, so weird/great to add your voices to dirtbag.