
I’m someone who aspired to be a feminist before my daughters were born and still do, even when they’re talking to me about One Direction. Am I a better one— I think so, but ONLY because I had a lot of other women, great feminists in life and word, as well as some good men around me while I learned to parent.

...37. Mention that Giancarlo Stanton stroked WAY more dongs and where’s his indictment huh where’s his indictment.

At first I thought it said Natalie and Benjamin had had a kid in which case you have to say they Miltiplied but never mind hey you know what I haven’t had coffee this morning I’m going to go get some coffee.

Raw hamburger served on glass ceiling.

Sophie Hunter doing a perfect Kermit “My man and I wouldn’t fight like that at Wimbledon but that’s none of my business” next to Bradley.

Though, when presented with the perfect opportunity to fuck Ciara, when everyone in the world would expect him just to jam it in...
Russell passed.

“If you have trouble injecting Victoza, bring syringe down between your legs and tomahawk the shit out of that thing into your skin. And don’t let some 5'7" dwarf “friend” take the syringe himself because he will get ALL THE GODDAMN TROPHIES for curing your diabetes.”

Um, yeah, that’s pretty much at the heart of my point— the flak she gets for looking different than she did before.

He continues to look like a Portuguese soap opera version of Buddy Lee, and it’s the creepiest damn thing.

I just think of bespectacled little Billy Simmons, tugging on the shirt of his Dad (who had been mindlessly calculating the number of days until Greenwich Country Day would end the Kramer v. Kramer agony), saying, “You know, Dad, I think Jerry Sichting could be an All-Star if K.C. were smart enough to give him playing

Again, it’s not a black/white thing as much as a philosophical thing

Jennifer Grey gets this treatment too, and there’s more than a bit of “Please keep your [seemingly unique or distinctive feature on top of, you know, white, blond, thin] so as not to mock our naive belief that Hollywood lets everyone’s face, at any age, have a chance.”

(looks at comments)

Pictured: Phelps shows how he touched his first boob, at a club in Vegas in 2009.

“The benefits of a classical education...” (sure as hell wasn’t a job).

He’s Hercules. Of course he insanely jumps into a fire.


I knew, once Rex predicted he’d live to 90...