yeah, but.... snow.
yeah, but.... snow.
I bought a 4-cylinder ‘99 S-10 a couple of weeks ago. It’s still trying to get to 60.
Everyone whose been on the 101 to 405 interchange during rush hour learns to hate these types of people. Stop a whole lane and force their way into the merging lane.
It was specifically Paul Giamatti warning of quake swarms in San Andreas before an actual, physical ground wave (?) ripples through San Francisco.
Once I saw the video of the incredible save at the end of the semi-final match, I thought, “please don’t let the goalie be one of the only survivors”. Can you imagine the survivor’s guilt he’s going to feel?
That’s Beverly Hills in New South Wales (Australia).
When Samsung’s Galaxy S7 arrives in March, it may borrow one of the iPhone 6S’s biggest new features. The Wall…
while SVP is pretty good at this, this format would work so well with olbermann. ah well.