
Your foul language doesn’t absolve you of racist and imperialistic attitudes. You have zero right to rule on this. Back your own colonial ass up.

Mediocre narcissistic QB isn’t a protected class either.

It’s not racist to refuse to sign a narcissistic mediocre player. So, yeah, they do have the right.

Yes, for course he’s made himself a pariah. Drawing negative attention to yourself and your politics away from the game can’t be excused. Poor Colin just learned this lesson, I guess. There is no I in team. 😔

Your ignorance of what occurs in a bar in Korea is outstanding! Just so you know, the women are paid by the establishment to chat with the largely male clientele and pour their drinks while looking pretty. They are not escorts or prostitutes. Try to imagine the Geisha tradition.

It’s a very common and usual place to do business in Korea. I think your cultural outrage is pretty narrow minded.

Well, these are the choices women make. Not everything is cost free.

The only way a two state solution can work is if the “Palestinians” accept, acknowledge and support Israel’s right to exist.

Neither are christians, but then it’s a Jewish state so we can deal.

You are not the arbitrar of feminism or anything else.

Hamas is the personification of bigotry and evil. They will dissolve very quickly with the correct application of force.

Again, go to bed. Your politics are purile and your ideas simplistic.

Says you, obvious expert on all things. Please go to bed. It’s likely way past time.

Says you, oh wise one. SMH.

You are correctly. mOStly because the narcissistic idle women who organized that failed march do not represent any kind of recognizable feminism.

A parody of the narcissistic progressive. You’re welcome.

Congratulations on your new found self awareness!

Apparently, you did not actually listen to the hearings.

There is literally zero evidence to support the tin foil hat crazy level idea that Gorsuch has ties to any foreign government. Please take your meds.

“but Cosmopolitan has already debunked the myth with an article”