
Why are you suggesting that his actions are someone elses fault. I get on my 6 year old for the same thing. Unfortunately most millennials usually always blame everyone else for anything that goes wrong in their life...

eye roll

try to enjoy an article once in a while.

lol right because there are no terrorist right.

So does your mamma’s face!

everything he said was true.

everything he said was true.

It’s either that or he was trying to be as racist as possible, get fired, ruin his life - I don’t know, that’s a tough one. Libs need to use a little common sense sometimes.

LOL what a joke that he was fired.

Yeah, he’s so innocent. Was just about to enroll at Harvard.

Um, not to be a truther, but that .01 second lasted about 4 seconds.

“even when millions of its citizens blatantly disrespected them for no other reason than that the hue of their skin”...

This is how things are supposed to work. All the facts come in, then the person is charged or not charged by a grand jury of their peers not by the media.

Of course you are still offended.

I don’t think you understand economics. If you force a company to pay more for wages and “benefits” (which somehow in your mind benefits are ‘earned’) then that company will make up the extra cost by laying off more people and increasing prices on their goods. Believe if your not, you can’t just double the cost of

and the rest of us pay higher fees for everything so they can have more handouts. It’s the liberal way!

it must be hard to be you. It’s all the white mans fault.

I guess you haven’t seen all the Pro-Israel talk from this Pro-Israel/Pro-Jewish administration. Pay less attention to BLM and their hate speech.

I presume you agree that because he’s white he should be vilified for being white. That will solve the racism problem!

I’m failing to see the point.