Sweet Berry Wine! 2.0

Lots of people already don’t. It’s actually pretty understood in a number of places that you don’t involve the police because of what might happen to you as an innocent.

Seriously. It was hard to focus on the post after she mentioned quitting her job to backpack in South America like she was getting a drink from the store. Then going to Asia? Good for you.

i didn’t want to do it bidededbidededbideded and i thank you


it was me

in 100 years her art will be on the same level as Picasso

Women who call other grown women girls and think that feminism is about referring to women as “womyn” are the reason I have a growing drug problem and an intimate relationship with my middle finger.

This kind of thing sucks, but is so common at companies founded by “cult of personality” types who are great at ideas but ignorant about business. It’s all well and good when it’s a few people making something cool get off the ground, but then they get to the stage where they need to have more formal processes in

No comment on the catty behavior, but I think the clothing line is very trashy.

Why the fucking fuck does “rape rape” Whoopi still have a fucking career?!? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Literally no one (except for maybe Trump) says dumber, more obtuse fucked up shit in the history of idiot famous people. Why does no one call for her head on a stick like we love to do when someone sticks a

yo, uh, Tilda has the same haircut as donald trump.

Of course she does.

I dunnoooooo guys, this is not really worth it. I’m not even a comedian and I would have had a difficult time not saying something similar after a professional interviewer said the phrase “inside an 11 year old girl.” If anything he should be dinged for saying something so dumb. I didn’t see it as a joke so much as

He lobbed a jaw-dropping double entedre at a comedian; this is not a joke she manufactured about child abuse, it was ripping how clumsily he put it. I’m not a fan of hers but nor am I reaching for my pearls on this one. Outrage level: meh.

I mean, this was basically a “That’s what she said" joke. It's not really offensive in any way.

Mindy Kaling always reminds me of a stay at home mom who is profoundly unhappy and is channeling their corporate shark into being the best PTA mom around and that pressure has made her start stealing her kids Ritalin.

The title of the book really should be “King & Prince Consort”. Oh, and those parents are awful.

Wow! Angry jeebus people are irrational. I mean, is being gay a “birth defect” or can a child be “indoctrinated” via “psycho-emotional rape?”

I went to a charity polo match and wore this hat but in ivory:

Pat, I can solve everybody's problem with spending. When you get ready to buy something just equate how many hours of your life you had to spend working to purchase the item. No brainer,