
That's exactly what I said. But our response to racism, like any other offense, doesn't have to be DEFCON 1 at all times. When people make mistakes out of ignorance that's an opportunity for learning, not for humiliation.

Some little part of me likes Michael Petri, atheist and anal sex enthusiast. He's an ass, but he's got moxie.

I get that blackface is offensive... just because. I agree with that. You don't need an excuse to be pissed off seeing a white person playing a person of color - for any reason.

So far as I can tell, people on Jezebel don't give a pass to blackface, yellowface, or redface for any reason - not for irony, and not for honest portrayals of actual people. They didn't like it for Cloud Atlas, they hated it when Johnny Depp did it, and they certainly don't like it when people spend Halloween as a

This is why we need more than two parties - at least four. I'm a liberal but sometimes I don't want to have anything to do with the Dem candidates.

My point was just that not all initiatives are bad. Jerry Brown had to introduce his (good) piece of legislation (prop 30) as an initiative because of the supermajority needed to increase taxes through the legislature. A lot of the other ones are crap. Either way, it's a shame that we have to A. do end-runs around

Perfect assessment. I was so disappointed watching this - having to wait until the very end to see the actual flip-flopping, and then just taking a nibble from the endless buffet of video proof.

"That the act is a ballot initiative at all raises considerable concerns about its validity; it would never stand up as a piece of legislation, so it's being placed in the hands of voters who don't understand its true implications. " I don't think you understand how much legislation in California is done by

I voted yes on 37 and no on 35. They both have loopholes but I think the loopholes in 37 are things that can be worked out as issues arise without a lot of harm caused. Whereas the loopholes in 35 could cause innocent people to be persecuted for the rest of their lives as "sex offenders".

Last summer at the reservoir my husband and a random 9 year old boy were boggling over the fact that I couldn't support my body weight long enough to swing on a rope (no knots or footholds) more than a few feet over the water. Even I was dumbfounded. I tried over and over and all it got me was a bunch of pulled

Details schmetails.

Cool! I'm so glad they ran the story.

I think the show is horrible in that the characters are horrible people who I don't want to get to know. This is why I couldn't get past 2.25 episodes. As someone who lives in a large city it's hard to understand how it is that there are tons of people that don't have friends outside of their own race or ethnicity. I

And Romney talks down to the moderator - surprised it took him 60 minutes.

I'm watching the debate now and my hands are too sweaty for this. Definitely going to give it a try later, though.

You are spot-on with that analysis. Thanks.

I have to say I am surprised at all the press Hirst has been getting over his new exhibition. There's nothing really "new" about his pieces - seems like he has been doing the same stuff with butterflies for a long time. I saw his stuff at LACMA in 2008 and I remember being underwhelmed. I don't like the use of animals

Well, to be fair, Hirst has been getting a huge amount of negative press recently in the UK for some of his new works, so I think explains the NOW of this article. I think it's worthwhile examining as an ethical question. The article is, as you said, immature and doesn't really do anything to advance the discourse,