
I watched it with subtitles...It was sad. Uncomfortable. It’s what you’d expect. It was a good film though.

I’m not getting into this debate because I’m tired and lazy, but I agree with your comments.

If you want to look like you turned a high end blanket into an outfit, sure.

SO TRUE. And where do I get one of those??? I had them as a kid. MUST HAVE AGAIN.

I’m so sorry for your loss, but happy for you that you eventually found someone loving and supportive. Thank you for sharing.

Where I come from having kids before 25 is the norm- largely because there aren’t enough services for young people to get educated and receive low-cost birth control. She was explaining how important Planned Parenthood was in her life, not saying “give me a gold star I don’t have any kids”.

She wasn’t asking for a cookie. She was saying that thanks to PLANNED PARENTHOOD, she has not had an unplanned pregnancy. She was a sexually active teen in a very religious household and she was still able to get important services that prevent pregnancy thanks to PP. She wasn’t patting herself on the back, she was

I’m not a Jolie expert, but as far as I know all of her adopted children were orphans. She’s hardly purchasing other people’s kids. Would her actions be more commendable if she insisted on only adopted white children from the US?

I have no clue- but his relationship with his other kids doesn’t really have any bearing on this unless he’s known to be abusive to them.

They don’t even need twins anymore, they only used twins because of child labor laws hahaha

There is a shocking number of people who have bad taste.

And they really don’t look alike anymore. Who would play her? Certainly not both lol.

I fucking loved this.

Depraved street urchin lmfao!!!!

Hahahahaha my mom used to always bitch about that when we’d read trashy magazines. “WHY DO THEY STAND LIKE THEY’RE ABOUT TO MAKE OUT”.

Yeah, this really rubbed me the wrong way. Singing about drugs does not mean one is actively on drugs. Besides, she knew who he was when she chose this man to be her child’s father.

The cat story was pretty horrific. Who knows if he did it or not? Who knows if 18 years in prison for something he didn’t do made him more inclined to violence?

Did your cousin specify why he felt Steven was guilty or are you just reporting to us your cousin’s gut feeling with nothing to back it up?

Shhh....someone is trying to stick by their moronic statement. Why muddle things by presenting facts?

Vitriol? Don’t be dramatic. You said something fucking stupid and people are calling you out on it. It has been explained to you why you are wrong and you’re sticking to your idiotic guns.