
You're probably right. I suppose I'd just have to find the right class level and hope they're not too judgey.....

So, realistically, what are the chances that an overweight 28 year old lady with zero dance experience could learn how to tap?

My guess is that the parents wanted to *be* Rachel, Phoebe and Monica....so when one of them had a baby, and the name they chose was super feminine and cute, the choice to use the same name was aspirational. It made them "just like" Rachel, which is more appealing than wanting your baby to be just like Rachel (or

We noticed the Twilight influence....but what about Emma? Rachel & Ross had their baby on Friends in 2002 and named her Emma. Low and behold, Emma makes her first appearance on the map! I love this....so fascinating! I could watch the gif at the top over and over and over (and probably will.)

Yeah, or they write songs putting girls who "don't know they're beautiful" on pedestals. You are only desirable if you're modest and have low self-esteem! It's so endearing!

I hate this SO MUCH. I've mentioned this in previous message boards, but I went to a conservative, non-denominational Christian school through elementary, junior high, and high school. My female peers and I were told OVER AND OVER that we were somehow responsible for the way men viewed us. If we wore tight, low-cut,

I didn't love Baby Mama the first time around, I think my hopes were too high. I've seen it several times since then and I appreciate it way more now. Date Night was pretty boring, and I didn't get around to seeing Admission.

He also has sinus problems, so I hear him hack and snort all day—this often results in him spitting the phlegm into his garbage can, which I can also hear. SOMEONE EMPTIES THAT TRASH CAN. AN ACTUAL HUMAN PERSON. I always imagine the cleaning woman walking up to his trash can and having her own version of rage because

Desk Rage for me: Coworker in the cubicle next to mine listens to music all day (fine with me) and tap dances, snaps fingers, and clicks mouse along to the music ALL DAY (not fine with me.) No one understands how irritating this is in an office where headphones are frowned upon. He would be super awkward if I

This show was SO GREAT. I was probably too old to be watching it when I did, but I don't care. It was fantastic.

It cracks me up, remembering it. Oh, and I absolutely read the boy parts.

On a similar note, I once found (and purchased) one of those "puberty/sex books for tweens from cool mom" at a thrift store. I picked it up out of curiosity and as I flipped through it, realized that the giver (mom, I assume) had made notes throughout the entire book.... She double underlined the "showering and

This article brought a hilarious memory from my Junior High days. My "talk" about sex and puberty involved a stack of books from the local library, meticulously selected by my mom. She left them in the kitchen one day so I'd see them when I got home from school but while she was still at work. There was a note on top

YES! Taylor Townsend is my spirit animal and I loved her romance with Ryan, as unlikely as it may have been. She and I have WAY too much in common and I thoroughly enjoyed her role in Season 4.Speaking of spirit animals—I also loved Summer's storyline (with Che!) and the way they worked to reconnect Seth and Summer

I was just coming here to say the same thing! El Scandalo.

I have cramps that are so unbearable I can't stand or sit up straight. It's been that way since I was in high school. I keep pain relief in my purse for these occasions, but if it takes too long to kick in or I don't have some handy, I do actually need time to deal with it. I understand why giving women 2 days a

This will definitely mess up the balance of the show. Ann, on her own, isn't super interesting, but the writers pair her up with the other characters in such a brilliant way. Any episodes that combine Ann and Ron or Ann and April are fantastic. I also think Ann's presence in Leslie's life adds such a wonderful layer

The thing is...Parks and Rec doesn't have awesome ratings. It's safe because, compared to other NBC shows, they're doing well, but compared to all tv shows on Thursday night? Not awesome. It gets a lot of buzz because the people who love the show are very vocal about it, but aside from people in my age group (mid-late

I am a HUGE fan of Parks and Rec, and I love Chris and Ann. I am totally ok with their departure...if it means Chris and Ann will be leaving together with their baby to live happily ever after....and if it means that this is the last season of Parks and Rec. The actors on this show are getting more and more popular,

I don't think anyone will ever be able to more accurately describe the state in which my Iron Fist Zombie Stomper flats currently exist. Kudos.