
I think this article needs to be updated. I'm pretty sure lastpass does not check against your password vault, but rather against your registered account email address. lastpass vaults are encrypted locally on the individual user's machine and are unreadable by lastpass itself.

I read The Hacker Diet ([goo.gl]) back in August and after years of attempting to diet have actually been successful in dropping my excess weight. Of particular note to me has been my ability to maintain my weight during the Holiday season (which is usually when I gain weight back).

haha...i guess I'm weird. I love listening to podcasts -twit.tv - as I try to drift off, but often don't want to miss the entire thing or let my battery wear down as it plays all night.

I've been using MusicSleep for a while, which doesn't seem as full-featured but has worked great for me.

it is just as easy, if not easier, to fill password info on a stubborn sites/applications using keepass. More importantly, it is waaaayyyy more secure the AHK. I do love me some AHK, but not when it comes to login credentials.

can anyone verify this?

If you ignore the updates then I think it stays free; When I applied the recommended update I was then asked to pay.

try 'automatic'. sure, it costs $20, but it offers filtering features that are pretty helpful

you could try the Norpro Egg Rite Egg Timer

wow...this is a terrible post. I love lifehacker, but it seems like this was written by a 10yr old trying to justify a new SSD drive to his parents.

can you attach external storage to the atv2?

I use syncplicity instead of dropbox. It's cross-platform now (OSX & Win) and supports multiple folder locations...unlike dropbox.

doh! signed up for amazon prime 2 months ago.

shouldn't the monitor be at eye level?

A gcal tickler calendar is definitely the way to go on this type of thing. with the possibility for multiple email/sms reminders it's a great option for every recurring task

While I use gmail for personal emails, I use thunderbird for work and couldn't live without it. I need to treat the each email I receive as an individual communication transaction. Thus, gmail conversation threads make my job more difficult. Being able to sort the 100s of emails I receive individually is the only

@hsquared: if you put the the $$ within quotation marks (e.g. "$$") this should solve the problem. without the "" marks the script will treat each word as a separate argument

@paintbox: then don't read about it.

@goodywitch: I think you would have to make an exception for [wsh.exe] "windows scripting host". I don't know for sure though

@jayen: yeah, google will make contacts a part of their 'google sync' program for blackberry. While they want Android to succeed, it's just another platform to obtain a dominant position as a service provider (email, calendar). So, they'll definitely keep updating BBs with new features.