while it's nice that most of the commenters aren't up in arms over this (the service is free for the majority, after all), the article misses a huge point.
while it's nice that most of the commenters aren't up in arms over this (the service is free for the majority, after all), the article misses a huge point.
here we go.
i already pay amazon and steam sales taxes. i can't remember if gog charges sales tax or not. WA resident.
glad i wasn't alone on this. soap is stupid. potato is better. and cheaper.
double post edit.
Reading the comments of your linked article would have shown that the implementation is not perfect, and ads are still hidden. i don't know what the ratio is, but they say that an extension like noscript would not work in chrome because the resource blocking isn't robust enough.
you are so wrong. chrome extensions are limited in comparison to firefox. not to mention that adblockers on chrome are only ad hiders. they block nothing.
stratiform is the best choice i've seen for the firefox thing. if all you want it the color changed, there's some other color changing extension. no need to bottleneck yourself into one option.
don't view the menu bar, and the button shows up. i've had it on xp, vista, and 7.
i know, right? with the progression of time, things change! what a bunch of BS!
'i' before 'e', except after 'c'. something about neighbor and weigh, but no mention of wield anywhere in there.
nice triple post.
again, this just shows why this article shouldn't have been written. heard of killzone? COD:BL is the best selling ps3 title of all time. the 360 had ME first, not to mention dead rising, lost odyssey, fable, (end exclusives, timed or otherwise, begin multi-plat but still relevant games) dead space 1+2, fallout 3,…
poor example is poor.
my 120 GB HDD only has ~40 GB left. i upgraded from a 20 GB, which wasn't nearly enough space. if i weren't diligent in keeping the HDD relatively tidy, i'd easily have no room left on it.
i like how this article always comes out every couple years, and it's always about video game consoles. how about pc's? while there are free versions of just about anything, we all know that the majority will pay for a windows license, pay for an office license, probably pay for a couple games, some speakers, etc. oh,…
i like 1.99 is the sweet spot, and only a dollar later, you're having second thoughts.
glad i wasn't alone, there.