also a huge fan, here.
also a huge fan, here.
just saying agent has worked for me.
that is an issue i share as well.
any gawker site has become a bad example for things like this, since the design is intentionally built around single tab use.
those are minor inconveniences at best. they're not going to lose people if those aren't implemented.
my only download that i justify is beyond good and evil. i bought it on xbox, but never played it. it's not backwards compatible, and i currently can't bring my old box with me. i bought it on steam, but it's broken.
this thread is my post, and your reply. and it really is that easy. you just start in one corner, and lay it down slowly. and you don't put pressure on it until you're good to go, so that you can easily correct any bubbles that may still appear.
downplaying shenmue could get dangerous.
it then gets pretty bad when you start to use the controller.
EA did okay as well. their worst was a weak pre-order bonus.
WET. under-appreciated, in my opinion. definitely giving the stacking demo a try as well.
as long as you don't throw it on, it's pretty easy to put a screen protector on without bubbles.
i had meant warcraft adventures. i don't know what kind of progress SC:Ghost had made, since they switched developers a ways through.
without knowing it, you stuck with the developer.
This is funny, because I was just at a career fair, and nearly every recruiter said to get my account going online, and apply for every job they offered that fit my skill set.
their supposed legal right. i'm pretty sure that assets were stolen, since the entire game wasn't open-sourced. even if they were, a third party can't just sell the software without credit and re-compensation to the original developers.
i'm with you on this. the game isn't that fabulous, due to crazy controls.