you're only telling me this? reading your OP and the following comments do not take me down sarcasm road. they demonstrate ignorance.
you're only telling me this? reading your OP and the following comments do not take me down sarcasm road. they demonstrate ignorance.
like the chatpad?
nightlies are always ahead. people on minefield are probably already seeing some of the first implementations of FF5 features.
nightlies are always ahead. people on minefield are probably already seeing some of the first implementations of FF5 features.
chrome does it. nobody complains.
do you honestly think that rental places would go by the exact same system as the normal consumer?
it's actually harder to see the updates, and i open multiple stories at once. it seems they forgot that we use tabbed browsers. the new layout doesn't help that any at all.
i think you'd be surprised to find out how very wrong you are.
so go ahead and start caring less.
the issue becomes re-selling, not the physical act of entering a serial.
if people have any kind of rental place nearby, this is automatically bypassed.
i'm not defending any douche posts, but the 360's parental controls are some of the easiest to set up and configure.
it was just a two year wait, wasn't it?
Too much rambling, not enough getting to the point.
i think the better PA was the NGP focused one.
@Duuuuuuude: i couldn't boot the demo due to physx stupidity. first, i had to run steam in admin mode to get the installer to go, then it told me that the version i had was newer than what was trying to be installed, and it still wouldn't boot.
that kinect isn't really on sale.
you want steamworks cloud + steamplay.
@wocalax: case in point.
those games don't really need someone else to tell them they're great.