
i think the issue lies in the inability to give google a good enough query.

@Sulik2: and the forty dollar expansion?

drake's smile looks creepy, not warm.

@ranford: i can sympathize with DA:O. i bought borderlands on steam (timing of a new computer and such didn't get me DA:O, though) on super sale, and paid a little over 30 bucks for everything, game and all dlc. that felt good.

@Sulik2: i hope you still feel rewarded after you spend another 70 bucks on this game's dlc.

or i can get it for free in a bit over a year.

@Twyst3d: by asking and subsequently confirming, you were essentially declaring comics as dying.

@Terry: "The Mac App Store may have pros and cons, but you Hackintosh users are probably itching to upgrade to 10.6.6 and check it out. "

VOTE: google

i did not find their black friday sales in the least bit interesting.

@Cabal17: i can try it again. i'm pretty sure that i ran it using the gog created shortcuts, though.

@Nava707: that sounds like it would break MS's policies. any content downloaded to an xbox should work on all accounts on that xbox.

@YoungWerther: publishers are worried about pricing their products too low in digital form because it "de-values" the product.

@Twyst3d: i'm not sure how you arrived at "comics are dying," but you're dead wrong.

@Spoony: marvel does this already. go to a comic shop.

@xileshadow: would be interested in shipping it, along with games and accessories?

@KennyOO7: my mouse makes it a lot better.

@AerintheGREAT: the game has a netbook mode. everyone can play it.

@Cabal17: i have BG&E on pc (i actually have steam and xbox versions), as well. it doesn't run.