
wherever it's in stock and cheapest. i have no loyalties when it comes to buying stuff.

@Jonn: i get that. but how often do the homebrew devs actually develop the pirate software? it's next to never.

@Badrats-Studio: you'd have to actually know the relationships between the hackers giving us the initial exploits for homebrew, and the pirates.

@Chromie192: that does sound nice. ideally, my next desktop will have a soundcard and excellent speakers.

@Whitson Gordon: could have saved some obvious trouble by putting just a tad more about what the program actually does in the article.

@ginandjesus: this is what should have been said in the article.

@gthing: it's what the people want, apparently.

@PDQ2: i know, right? my 360 constantly blue screens after streaming hours of content to it every day.

@NinjaMarion: do you not read anything i write about modmii and what it can do?

@fauxtronic: i would assume it's better since it texts the right person. i don't need to use android to know that correct texts will trump incorrect texts.

@Nintendocrazed: blue is electo-shock. it's yellow is explosive. red is fire.

@Mokon: i just want to throw in that lego rock band is a ton of fun. campaign with friends is a blast.

@fauxtronic: i don't have any metrics, but if this bug is six months old, it's obviously not viewed as serious by the devs, and i'm just assuming, again, that it's because so many people use other, better apps for texting.

@NinjaMarion: what's technical and involved about "run this program, then this one, then this one, then this one?"

@fauxtronic: wait. i'm an android user? the closest i have to being a "fanboi" is owning an ipod classic. i just thought it funny that they would bring up a near non-issue on android (a LOT of people use other apps, like google voice, which work fine for texting. and are apparently a lot better than the built-in app,

@Howunfortunate: that game was a while ago, and the two or three subsequent sequels were buggy and not fun.

i like the "negative" coverage about android and WP7, but nothing about the alarm clock glitch in iOS.