@Small Cuisine: and the third panel. that was a "gone with the wind" pose.
@Small Cuisine: and the third panel. that was a "gone with the wind" pose.
@Corgyll: what's not to get. she's obviously taking her "affections" toward her pet way too far.
@johnclevenger: i like the way you think.
@kingkellogg: you must be a very angry person
@kingkellogg: darn.
@kingkellogg: you could take a guess. i bet you own an ipod.
@Archaotic: you don't get it.
@kingkellogg: ha. this is funny.
@Capsluck: closer to a hundred, maybe. and it's still a maybe.
@Lovick: it's the uncanny valley
an obligation to the readers would involve a serious re-evaluation of the new review format.
@Allison Lins: i misread the last part of your initial post. my apologies.
@bakagaijin: while i don't scour the internet for reviews; on kotaku, this seems to be the only trouble game.
@Hyperion45: i've been a lot less "proud" as of late.
@Allison Lins: CoD has never been about teaching anyone anything. it's about shooting people in the face with great prejudice. it's sole purpose is to entertain, and the developers have never pretended to educate.
@bakagaijin: and then immediately dismiss it. your flaw lies in the fact that that you want to jump to the bigger picture with zero precedent, and plenty of evidence to the contrary.
@bakagaijin: the issue with your logic is that it's only with this game. other games track people perfectly fine.
@Shinigami_Chop: no one was saying that this is new.
@d20Dark: but i think you can hear how forced that is, as well.