@Shinigami_Chop: to automatically assume that deaf people can't speak shows your ignorance.
@Shinigami_Chop: to automatically assume that deaf people can't speak shows your ignorance.
@Shinigami_Chop: so now you've entered idiot territory.
@Shinigami_Chop: you're right in that it's not new. but it's finally decent.
@Edo411: do you constantly have downloads going in the background?
@d20Dark: the kinect doesn't pull commands out of conversation. you have to address the device first.
@Taggart6: mario's been proving this point since day one.
i enjoy the title juxtaposed with a psx and genesis controller as the main focus of the picture.
@Golgari: that was you, missing the point.
@tbonesteak: you might have, plenty of people haven't.
@DittoBox: thank you. i also mentioned far cry 2, i've never played crysis.
i'm guessing nearly all the comments are from people who didn't play Far Cry 2? or borderlands? or STALKER? i got the last two from sane commenters.
@hollohill: my rig cost 734, and it's really all you need.
@Twanzio: so, every summer, pc gamer and maximum pc put out a special about building your own pc, with suggested builds to get the most for your money at each of the three tiers.
@Marand: the better response would be that a mid-high range card is best. super high end cards only get 5-15 fps difference on cards that cost half as much. and those cheaper cards are already doing 60+ frames at 1200p with everything on.
@Drive-by troll: or two of them, and RAID0 them?
@arrrdawg: or will shift back to the pc since the console hardware freeze has made all the latest games playable on increasingly cheaper hardware.
i'm imagining that the title was chosen for ease of reading, since valve has stated many time that the episodes following 2 constitute half life 3.
@Sean Netzel: just sayin'.
@Sean Netzel: fable 2 is a blunder. frame rate issues at the main menu, even when installed.
@Ryodestined: that's a really terrible joke. if it was even a joke initially.