it's a little ridiculous seeing all the whiners about the price. this is a fifty dollar wii game.
it's a little ridiculous seeing all the whiners about the price. this is a fifty dollar wii game.
@Gravyman: it's not like you'll have to install any.
@Simon Wong: this
@Sonicloud: that's very selective of you.
@Elratauru: it's funny about the wii. the latest firmware is the only one that i would count as a serious attempt.
@Mmm: seconded. and i'd also like to add that the OP here seems to have forgotten a slew of stories about a year ago when MS had their largest ban wave, ever.
@anduin1: i'm not sure what part of "games ship with updated firmware bundled on the disc" you didn't get, but the answer to your question is no.
@freedomweasel: thank you. i'll either rent it, or wait for a deep discount.
i just wanted to know how the campaign was. that's a question i would ask, and topic that would be discussed if i were having a "conversation" about this game.
@thebigcheese: what are you on?
@Prairie Moon: it's probably because you can still install VLC, and it does all of that. for free.
@Kent: the buffering is terrible, the player itself is largely unresponsive, and i've had it lock up my browser (firefox) more than once.
@Bricked: what part of me saying that i misread the article didn't you get again?
@CacknBallz: how long has it been since you've seen original xbox graphics?
@mindf1ow: try the whole OS, and the features beyond gaming.
@bangbangblah: or maybe, just maybe they could design the games with the touchscreen in mind?
@Bricked: nevermind me, i misread the article.
@akumaserge: it is a terrible, terrible video player
paper towel is nicer, in that you won't have to wash it later. this part matters for those of us without dishwashing machines.
@nicktennear: what you own doesn't change the fanboy that is in your comment.