
or, set an autohotkey script to disable/re-enable the monitor turning off or power-saver functions.

@nicktennear: what pc? my pc's noise level never changes, whether it's email or dawn of war II. and it's not loud at all.

@luckycharms: taken with everyone else's posts, yes.

@HighFlyer15: probably where you left your ability to read.

@A.Jaswal: that's what i thought. i've never had a firmware forced on me. unless something changed with itunes 10 and OS 4.x, this seems rather pointless.

@Posco Grubb: a couple years ago being the key part of that phrase.

@luckycharms: they shut stuff down that isn't being used. contrary to the posts in here, i'm assuming that the vast majority of google users did not use goog-411.

@retserrof84: it won't matter. the gawker sites just do what they want.

@Frosted Mini-Wheats: you assume that a pirated copy equates to a lost sale. it does not. at least not in the vast majority of cases.

@-rocka: sony was a majority share-holder in square. their control was probably diminished somewhat after the merger, but still.

they do blame pirates, they don't just blame them.

@XsTatiC: i like the way you think.

@murderface_: did we really all just read the red and blue, and blindly make a purchase?

@GM_Pax: giz does something similar to this. they use +,=, and - as their bullet points.

@illiniphase4: i would also add that the new structure is in no way similar to a conversation i have about a game.

@Benevolence: you assume all change is always for the better.

definitely ditch the buy/don't buy section.

@GM_Pax: it better. that's what i'm waiting on

@Army_EOD: funny, my xbox is on for hours every day because i use tversity. i watch television and movies through it. it's been fine for the last year.

@DJ_Skrull: it's sad world, then. i'm on the opposite side of that coin, in that the only game from them i've played is too human. it was terrible. like, how are they not bankrupt terrible.