@bsr123: they've had a web-app for a while now.
@bsr123: they've had a web-app for a while now.
i never got into skype, but that's mostly because it still cost to dial a phone from a computer. it doesn't with google's solution.
@sonicblastoise: you failed a lot right there, since i stated right at the beginning that i didn't read it.
@ToiletNinjas: dismissing an article based on the title/tagline is the whole point of having them in this case.
over-generalization ruins this. i don't even care to read the article, since the tagline is so terrible.
@Ghanta: political ideals aside, this was a waste of money.
@Darth Pugz: cause pulling a plug and creating an offline profile is so complicated.
whatever flash player you guys have chosen to use in-house sucks. i couldn't pause it, and it's way too particular about how you go about getting it to play.
@Krakenstein: yeah, you just don't know the hype behind this game.
@Krakenstein: you underestimate how well-received the first game was on pc.
@Andreas Walther: that first time, i left him behind, too. i was persuing ashley during that play-through.
i'm still on the fence about this.
@Andreas Walther: alright. glad we sorted that out.
@gpzbc: i'm actually surprised that they didn't mention it initially.
@Joakim: how else will pedophiles get at that good stuff?
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: i apologize for my misunderstanding.
@Andreas Walther: exaggerated, sure. but not so far off. from 1 to 2 with over a hundred decisions that carry over, you already have over 100-squared possibilites. ME3 will carry at least the same amount of decisions over.
@Roach: samus only took off her helmet for other m, which isn't being handled by nintendo.
@Andreas Walther: ME2 carried over a hundred+ decisions from ME. by the time ME3 hits, the combinations will be nigh infinite, so it's hard to see holding onto your character as a weak reason.
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: really? they're stupid for holding onto an excellent franchise to drive sales of their own hardware?