i've had a 320 GB ps3 for a couple years now.
i've had a 320 GB ps3 for a couple years now.
@darkboy1200: just play the game
@Ucla74: i was coming in to say the say the same thing.
@ArmoredCavalry: that's good for other distributors, but steam has a link right on the front page.
PvZ on steam isn't really on sale. that's the price it's always been.
@RenRen: it wasn't even an attack. sure, he was rude, but it wasn't an attack.
@RenRen: that you started it.
@RenRen: lords of the manor buy expensive, regal horses. since they now own such an expensive and fine animal, they'll ride it around their grounds to inspect the work of the serfs/servents/slaves. and they will then proceed to talk down to said people from the horse because constantly getting off of and back onto the…
@CapitalJigga: the default that handbrake gives you is actually pretty good.
do they do simple things, like check amazon ratings and prices?
@Gyaruson 2.0: i'm not saying what matters at all.
@E rac: you're splitting hairs that don't exist. the fact is, everyone knows what gearbox's stat is based off of, yet you guys think that changing the criteria for the statistic is a valid counter-point. it's not.
@Gyaruson 2.0: but what you're doing is calling bs on their very true stat.
@Gyaruson 2.0: your assumptions are so far off base.
holding out for the eventual goty edition.
@theDGC: it's actually a quarter resolution.
@Slanzinger: better. but you still left out the part where it's up to that person to decide what to do.
in the pad's defense, it won't automatically get cold in the winter.
@flanker22: you missed the point completely.
@flanker22: in their defense, this glitch was discovered late last year near the launch, or very early this year.