
@pouncep: this is true. just the other day, i was going to use itunes to create biological and/or nuclear weapons, but then i noticed that the EULA says i can't.

i'm amazed at the lack of comments about the droid x.

steam has quite a few more sales than that going on.

chrome is the only browser where certain emails are shown as greek. facebook text-only emails, certain work emails, etc.

@pvcrisp: that's the small percent that shouldn't be allowed to procreate.

i'm surprised that this "tip" actually made it here.

@aeronaut: especially considering that interior designers tend to know squat about home theaters.

@Omegastrider Has laser eye beams: you could tell that to my $40 xbox 360. Or our excellent $15 bookshelf. Maybe to my $100 Rockband 2 set with 3 total guitars and the cymbals when the band experience still cost $170. Also, our $30 dining room table and four chairs.

you could try telling this to my wife, whose laptop would overheat and lock up before she got her pad, and it hasn't since.

@MaxellDVD1: true, but a higher credit score helps get that better house.

not carrying a balance over keeps your credit score from growing as quickly as it could.

@dmc666: if so, that's where i'll go to get my movie reviews.

the attempted video game comparisons seem insulting to this movie.

@apexx0089: i don't think piracy will hurt it much at all. battle.net is very alluring, after all.