@Lord Byte: i think when you consider the amount of people that have been working on the game, the fact that it's been around a decade in the works, hardware costs, battle.net restructuring (yes, this counts), electricity bills, etc.
@Lord Byte: i think when you consider the amount of people that have been working on the game, the fact that it's been around a decade in the works, hardware costs, battle.net restructuring (yes, this counts), electricity bills, etc.
i feel like this itunes feature has been around.
@Pegleg Joe: they stopped stocking carts a long time ago.
why aren't they holey and eco-friendly?
@Trai_Dep: then i'm misunderstanding something here.
@cippycup: if it helps, you didn't defend him at all.
@Trai_Dep: porting doesn't necessarily equal middleware.
@h4x0rmx: for major ones, yes. usbloader gx and cfg loader both support fat32 and ntfs formatted hard drives. i don't know about others like coverfloader or wiiflow.
prince of persia did the exact same thing.
@Bio-Wizerd: this kind of reeks of stereotyping.
@RockyRan: this does sound very familiar.
@xxkonpachixx: stephen hawking and thermodynamics would like to have a word.
@ircmaster: my best analogy is a car driving up a hill on an interstate.
@heytherefancypants: your argument fell apart at "seasoning packet"
@spankminister: he actually does say that it's bad at absorbing odors.
so, every single cooking adage is a falsehood?
@70x7brandnew: interesting ideas, but your internet idea seems off.
you keep saying that the extension is free.
@Apostropartheid: they do have standards. they may not be strict, in the sense that programming commands are, but they're there. if there weren't standards, we wouldn't need dictionaries.