
…This explains rather a lot.

"Mr. Baratheon, we would love to extend you more credit, but your account has been so often overdrawn…"

"THAT'S not disfigurement… THIS is disfigurement!"

"I found the sudden confession unrealistic"….. this is a program about dragons.

Sally: "… and then I walked in on him screwing that neighbor lady."


Don won't stop short of burning his family ties in the end.

I'll add that these dual reviews are over-long and tiresome.

I thought that, too.

Some minor observations:

These first two episodes strike me as something of a rhythm section: They provide a subtle yet brisk undertone for whatever lead might be coming. I am excited for the guitars.

The most disheartening aspect of this episode is the possibility that Adam's sister left that party with the explicit intention of disrobing and holding that glass out in front of her until her brother or his girlfriend opened the door, then horrifying them through self mortification.

Why is it that some people cannot accord intellectualism with an "alpha male" personality? Some of the most "alpha" types I've ever known were certified intellectuals.

The Jessa woman seems to be more trouble than she's worth. Although there is a vague creativity in her manner, no real element of personality is evident in her other than compulsive flightiness and an unflinchingly bold willingness to use her friends for whatever purpose might suit her.

I truly wish some other writer had the initial review of this program.

So the series will last roughly 8 years… or 10 whole episodes.

This episode brought me back. This one was funny enough to bolster the show to its previous standard.

The inspiring television politicians have gone away, much like their counterparts in reality.

…agreed. Stout logic.

Perhaps The Green Mile?