
Barney standing at attention for the national anthem at end-of-broadcast is just such a great character moment.

"What did you name it?"

Delightful film.

"Richie loved to use .22s because the bullets are small, and they don't come out the other end like a .45. See, a .45 will blow a barn door out the back of your head and there's a lot of dry cleaning involved… but a .22 will just rattle around like, uh, Pac Man until you die."

"What the frig is this?"

Store Clerk: "Have a nice day!"

Those two films are not bases to be covered. They are the knowledge that one is playing baseball at all.

An individual who has not seen Animal House or Casablanca probably shouldn't be espousing opinions on popular culture for a living.

The shot of the picture of the Big Chief behind LaDonna's bar made me a bit emotional. Such a fine, fine series… without flash, but brilliant.

I grasp the severity of the situation. It's precisely why I'm not shocked.

His statement was indeed ignorant and incorrect. It was not, however, unexpected or shocking considering the source.

I've never experienced much concern over what Mr. Robinson said, mostly because I regard him as a cartoon. He could declare himself Sultan and Autonomous Prophet of the Barbary Coast whilst waving a confederate flag and I'd simply smile at what nonsense the strange man said. Duck Dynasty is a ridiculous program, and

The Thick Of It was my own little discovery this year. I've never been more impressed with swearing outside of Deadwood.

I highly doubt it is actually Mr. DiCaprio's asshole.

This sequence introduced me to Harry Nilsson. I've loved his music ever since.

it's probably insensitive to joke about priest molestation, but I just couldn't resist Eleanor Rigby

Look at him lusting, rubbing the spot up his thighs where his vestment had been, lost in a dream

I love it when newspeak just pops up!

"Look at the care with which I have constructed my ensemble. Look at the smooth material of my glass frames, the tartan of my hat, the height of my scarf… doesn't it all give me the affect of a stately little gent?"

I found Parade's End to be very well done. The difficulty with that time period, for me, is always WWI itself. I can't imagine any place at any time in history I'd rather not be than in a trench at the Somme or the Marne. The physical and mental stress must have been absolutely terrible.