
I don't agree that the one timeline thing would be confusing, calling the hints "hints" at all is a stretch in the first place.
Most people would never connect those dots if the theory wasn't so prominent and widely spread, and maybe they were never meant to be connected and people are reading far too much into it.

The hosts would be at a much lower level 30-35 years ago, and they seem present-level advanced to me.

Yup. I think I'll just skip the review and read the comments, there's always some interesting discussion here, and I have a feeling that's what the majority does anyway.

Me too. I have a feeling that Zach simply doesn't like the show or the direction they've chosen - which I understand - Lost left many of us with scars. I still enjoy Westworld more every week.

Didn't see either of those, but I young me found You Rang, M'Lord? very funny.

So what are you trying to say? Sure sounds like "Walter White is a better person then Rebecca, at least he knows he's doing wrong", although I kind of doubt it.

Why are we so sure that Hawkguy will be back? Please say it isn't confirmed..

Why does cleavage clash with respectability?

Take my money

I completely agree.
She should have a deep knowledge of wesen lore - why didn't just Nick talk to her about the case? She could have taken Monroe and Rosalee's role this week.