
I love the actor they gave the Mr. Ibis role to. His voice is well suited for the historical narrations — it almost reminds me of that excellent Jesse James film with Brad Pitt from a few years back.

Since her part would be coming up soon, does anyone know if they cast Sam for the show? She's a minor character in the scheme of things (though she does take on some more significance toward the end of the book), but I always enjoyed her interactions with Shadow on the road.

It's been a long time since I've read the book, but I don't think so. Mr. World was introduced to Shadow much later, and under different circumstances. The ODIN missile was a clever little way to reveal Wednesday's identity while commenting on recent political events.

Initially, my theory was that Laura only had that kind of super-strength around gods, because of the circumstances of her death and her lack of belief. But then the morgue scene happened.


I loved how they turned Ziggy Stardust Bowie into one of Media's personas. Fuller tried to get Bowie to appear on Hannibal before his death (as Hannibal's uncle Robert Lecter), but the timing just never worked out. This was the perfect tribute.

I love the fact that the entire back half of the episode is basically just an acting showcase for Stormare. And he doesn't disappoint.

So they off Michael and have Jane get with a conventionally attractive, completely ripped guy. Michael's Everyman quality was part of his charm.

Agreed. I understand the need to maintain the tone of the show, but another episode or two of the immediate aftermath followed by the time jump might have worked better. I appreciated the flashbacks and brief references to Michael, but as a viewer it feels strange to still be in shock over Michael's death and for most

Yeah, it's something this version of Sherlock would do if given the chance. Plus, it's a fun sequence.

There should have at least been another scene between Sherlock and Molly to address that phone call, especially if this is the series finale. That said, a D+ seems a bit too harsh.

And the thing that makes it even worse is, for the brief amount of time we see Paul, he comes across as a perfectly nice guy, if somewhat bland. If it had been shown to be an abusive or equally distant relationship - like Paul is a fellow journalist who's always absent and has no time for Rory - I could understand,

The running joke of everyone forgetting Paul left a sour taste in my mouth. Rory not only cheated on him multiple times with Logan, she also cheated on him with a random guy in a Wookie costume - and she doesn't even have the decency to break it off. He's the one who has to send a text in the end, still thinking

IIRC, it wasn't the "real" wedding ceremony - it was just an impulsive "Neither of us wants to wait until tomorrow, so let's get married now and hold the real ceremony later" kind of thing.

What bothers me about Rory and Logan is that we never really get to know Odette. Is she also being forced into this marriage? Does she love Logan? GG always had a problematic habit of never fleshing out the "other woman", with the sole exception of Rachel back in the first season. They're just obstacles getting in

The Stars Hallow Gazette was such a missed opportunity to show Rory as a *talented* journalist. OK, I can buy that her inability to do a pitch for Sandee Says was a result of not really wanting the opportunity, but the Gazette should have shown her starting over and doing pretty well at it. Hell, they could have

If there isn't another season to look forward to, I'm kind of baffled by where they left Jess, character-wise. That shot of him staring sadly through the window is just such an awful note to leave him on. I would have preferred something a little less inconclusive, like him offering to publish Rory's book for its

Also hated the Life and Death Brigade. They were insufferable enough in their twenties, and now they're a bunch of men in their thirties playing golf on rooftops, breaking into stores (yes, they left money behind, but still), and buying clubs just because they don't like the music. It's not endearing, and the fact

I was so disappointed with how little screentime characters like Jackson and Miss Patty got (seriously, she had three lines total and wasn't even present at the town meetings *in her own studio*?).

Has she even seen Season 7 yet? From what I've gathered, she hasn't. She probably got the main bullet points of the season's plot from some source, acknowledged what she had to acknowledge for the sake of consistency, and went from there. But it's painfully obvious that ASP would have preferred to wipe Season 7