
Yeah, this bothered me too. It was a cute excuse for some celebrity cameos, but when you start to think about it, the Dragonfly would have to be one of the most popular B&Bs in the country to attract that kind of talent. And while it's a successful small business, nothing in the show suggests it's that well-known.

Which makes her little speech to Jess about how broke she is a bit odd. She clearly has money, even if most of it comes from a trust fund/inheritance. Whatever problems she's experiencing career-wise, she's not struggling financially.

Well, Tristan seemed to bring up the insecurities that were building in Paris after the divorce, so it seemed like a reasonable motivation.

If she's broke, how on earth can she afford all of those flights to London and back? Logan?

In fairness, the whole surrogacy issue is mildly believable if you look at it as Lorelai feeling her mortality after Richard's death, but the communication issues? The fact that kids apparently weren't even discussed? It does feel like material for a season that should have happened years ago, not nine years later.

If there is a fourth season, I have no doubt that Lyle will return and his trip will be relevant.

Jared swore to never abandon his hunt for Ethan. Sir Malcolm made a cold, pragmatic decision.

Ethan definitely seemed to enjoy the killing a little too much, except when it came to his doorstep. I don't think we've seen the full story yet, though.

Well, Ethan's father has also been hunting him down even after he fled the country, so that probably put more of a strain on their relationship. Ethan wasn't actively trying to kill his father until he was successfully captured and brought to America. It seems like Ethan's resentment comes from his father forcing him

So am I the only one who kinda loved how ballsy the cliffhanger was? They must have known that the fans would not be pleased by this. People are going to loudly complain about a show they apparently hate but keep watching anyway, so why not have some fun with it?

I thought Denise's justification for leaving made sense, even though she should have known better as a doctor. Still, she died due to bad luck on what should have been a routine supply run, not her own lack of survival skills. She overcame her demons.

Carol definitely talked about her faith in past seasons.

Yeah, the sheer level of nitpicking this show gets is absurd. I'm not saying it's beyond reproach, but every week people seem eager to prove how much smarter they are than a dumb show they continue watching for reasons unknown.

Liking both Lori and Andrea as characters makes me feel like I'm in a minority smaller than people who enjoy eating human excrement.

It gets better and has an incredible final episode, imo. Just continue and form your own opinion.

"Japan would tow the line of Nazi racial policy"

Really surprised by all of the negative reactions in here. This is a lot of fun so far, if admittedly a little slow. Hell, I'm even enjoying the quieter performances of the two leads.

Until Fuller comments on it, there's no way of knowing how much the Katz issue contributed to the change, if it was even a consideration at all.

Yeah. Even on Tumblr, there seems to be more praise for Hannibal than criticism. I read the complaints responding negatively to Katz dying, but they seemed to be about race - the one Asian American being killed after getting to do more than spout exposition, etc. - as much as gender.

So you think that the Katz reactions played a role? Those are interesting stats, but could it be that women are just less likely to enjoy the content of show overall? Do the voting patterns change for other episodes?