
Yeah, I guess a lot of it has to do with budgetary constraints. Even within the heightened reality of the show, however, it's hard to suspend disbelief over Jack sending two redshirt agents to pick up a man who is possibly a highly skilled, ruthless killer.

So how did Hannibal take down two FBI agents in broad daylight? They weren't told to be on high alert?

Yeah, I'm glad that role ultimately went to Pitt, who I'm sure will be tremendous as a creepy motherfucker like Verger. Pace would be more fitting for Dollarhyde. Assuming he doesn't make a "Georgia Madchen"-type appearance, of course.

…Bolin is a character?  Truth be told, he became more like a machine for the occasionally funny line after the first few episodes.  Really disappointed with how they handled him.

…Bolin is a character?  Truth be told, he became more like a machine for the occasionally funny line after the first few episodes.  Really disappointed with how they handled him.

It really depends on how much you trust in Mike and Bryan to deliver on the promise of post-revolution reform…and I think there were enough disappointments with the Equalist storyline this season, including a lack of any real, honest, thematically engaging perspective, for me to doubt their ability.  They need to

It really depends on how much you trust in Mike and Bryan to deliver on the promise of post-revolution reform…and I think there were enough disappointments with the Equalist storyline this season, including a lack of any real, honest, thematically engaging perspective, for me to doubt their ability.  They need to

Yep, I also must call bullshit on the "it wasn't rushed, it was just compact" defense, which reduces a significant criticism of the show to a "See, but YOU HAVE IT WRONG" dismissal of that legitimate complaint..  I'm sorry, but I differ in opinion and strongly believe that the show was rushed.  One reason is that Mike

Yep, I also must call bullshit on the "it wasn't rushed, it was just compact" defense, which reduces a significant criticism of the show to a "See, but YOU HAVE IT WRONG" dismissal of that legitimate complaint..  I'm sorry, but I differ in opinion and strongly believe that the show was rushed.  One reason is that Mike

Fair enough, I should have remembered Sokka.  I still don't think the show did all that it could on this issue, though, which makes the Equalist storyline this season feel, as a whole, unsatisfying. I honestly don't think Mike and Bryan are strong enough writers to tackle the issue, even taking into consideration

Fair enough, I should have remembered Sokka.  I still don't think the show did all that it could on this issue, though, which makes the Equalist storyline this season feel, as a whole, unsatisfying. I honestly don't think Mike and Bryan are strong enough writers to tackle the issue, even taking into consideration

I've wondered that too.  Mike and Bryan are better at ideas than writing, really…I can't sympathize with them for having to work, at least initially, with the knowledge that they had a mini-series on their hands because they deliberately made choices that went out of their way to make the pacing more difficult to

I've wondered that too.  Mike and Bryan are better at ideas than writing, really…I can't sympathize with them for having to work, at least initially, with the knowledge that they had a mini-series on their hands because they deliberately made choices that went out of their way to make the pacing more difficult to

I was hugely disappointed with how they handled the Equalists as the season went on.  I think Mike and Bryan are a little Lindelof-esque in that they are better idea-tossers than writers…while we can argue back and forth about how the show made the Equalists seem blind in their Amon-worship, the show gives them some

I was hugely disappointed with how they handled the Equalists as the season went on.  I think Mike and Bryan are a little Lindelof-esque in that they are better idea-tossers than writers…while we can argue back and forth about how the show made the Equalists seem blind in their Amon-worship, the show gives them some

There's one theory that Amon will take Korra's bending away from her at the end of S1, leading into her being a non-bender (while still technically the Avatar), at least temporarily, in the second season.  That would certainly make her need to contact the spirits more urgent.

There's one theory that Amon will take Korra's bending away from her at the end of S1, leading into her being a non-bender (while still technically the Avatar), at least temporarily, in the second season.  That would certainly make her need to contact the spirits more urgent.

Well, their only method of attack isn't electrocution, although they do use it fairly often. They're just as adept at evading bending, so they could have at least tried to dodge the attacks a bit more.  That's kind of the problem when you suddenly toss the kids into what was Lin's stand - you can't expect the fight

Well, their only method of attack isn't electrocution, although they do use it fairly often. They're just as adept at evading bending, so they could have at least tried to dodge the attacks a bit more.  That's kind of the problem when you suddenly toss the kids into what was Lin's stand - you can't expect the fight

Yeah, I still don't find that funny on any conceptual level and can't imagine why someone would.  And sorry if my thinking that the writers could do better makes me a "sourpuss", as if I'm part of the problem when it comes to terrible humor in children's programming. It's so easy to be lazy with the humor when you