Although Pepsi is a sponsor, Michael Irvin insisted on bringing all the Coke and everyone smiled.
Although Pepsi is a sponsor, Michael Irvin insisted on bringing all the Coke and everyone smiled.
He's popular because the people who believe him are high? I could see that.
In a profession where fake laughter is a prerequisite, this is a breath of fresh air.
Sure, he may win the MVP, but is he elite?
What kind of car?
Sure, Bobroczkyi looks stiff out there. But you should see how ten minutes in bubbling hot water relaxes him.
Hey asshole, you were the one creaming over Pryor’s production against fucking children. Sorry if you took an unneccessary level of umbrage at me implying that he might not stand out so much against the best in the fucking world.
When I first read that, I thought it was “live tweeting my streams.” No offense but that made it a much better comment.
Yeah, okay, fine. Draconian policy, blah blah blah.
The more they tighten their grip, the more reporters will slip through their fingers...
“Why would you cut a leader like that?
Doctors across Missouri telling patients to cut back on the sodium.
If Jason Heyward is worth $185 million over 8 years, the U.S. Mint is going to have to introduce a new coin with Mike Trout’s face on one side and Bryce Harper’s on the other.
“I’ll just show myself out.”
You’ve got a better chance of getting some speed with Latin and African-Americans.
Brady is going to side with Trump, since that towel-head Cam Newton is a huge threat to Brady winning another Super Bowl.
I asked my coworker, Tim Brady, what he thought about Trump and his plans for Muslims, and he told me to get the fuck out of his cubicle. Also I’m not a reporter. Can I still have $100?
Because they don’t serve Old Crow at Dairy Queen, they keep telling you.
This headline was too glib for the subject matter. I’ve written about fans fighting before, and the body of my article was done in a matter-of-fact approach like the rest of them, but the headline isn’t right, and it completely changes the tone. It’s a bad headline; sucker punching someone isn’t funny. So, sorry.