How are you supposed to be ready to possibly swing at a pitch if you don't have adequate time to scratch your balls?
How are you supposed to be ready to possibly swing at a pitch if you don't have adequate time to scratch your balls?
There are many ways to win a StarCraft II match. Countless tactics, schemes, and ways of naming each of your…
I've held different positions, and I keep my spoon in my soup. I don't taste your soup.
They both took the same amount of drugs over their careers, the PED/party drug ratio speaks for itself.
The unequivocal answer to that question is that it makes you the most punchable.
"First off, I just wanted to so thank you to Herschel Walker.. uhh sorry, Herschel Walker."
They are as marquee as the Clippers. Think about it. The traditional marquee team in both NY and LA have been complete supplanted by the 2nd tier team. There is no reason to expect that the Nets can't become the dominant NY NBA team for the next 20-30 years given that James Dolan doesn't give a fuck and is 59 years…
And to make sure she got pregnant, one way or another.
Little known fact, but Andre Rison met Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes on
This is really tasteless, Barry. That man just had his home broken into.
+1 for burner name- comment synergy. -1 for pun. No net change.
True. It distracted from the sophisticated humor of the fake blowjob.
The way "Front-Running Douchebag" just rolls off the tongue is beautiful with the only problem being that he's not running in front of anyone or anything, literally or figuratively.
Keeping one eye on what's going on around her is a wonderful tribute to Stuart Scott.
apparently youve never heard of boston.
you really think some kid who's getting surprised with NFL playoff tickets needs some stranger to buy him a video game? why don't you bring some food to a homeless shelter or something...
Saw your tweet. "Just took a dude out." So gay.
She had her back done.
What the hell kind of poop water is solid goddamn black like that? Not any poop water I've ever seen!
It must be such a relief to see something black on the floor in Chicago that isn't Derrick Rose.