

So BronBron can win a game in a T-shirt. I’ve overcome greater odds taking poops.

Can players get extra swag?

Right.. gobsmacked when I learned fucking Jostens makes Super Bowl rings. Waiting for a player to opt for these bad boys.

I prefer Zusi on a flank or playing a diamond 4 up top, with him playing a mid/forward hybrid.

Best UNM product since Granger.

I’ve never heard of IRS. Is this a store for tall folks?

Would you go, Patrick?


Recent influx of bear posts >/= reflecting on Cardinal losses

No honorable mention?

Baseball simulator 3000.. Sssooooooo many wasted hours.

That’s because baked Mac n Cheese sucks.

Try a Corsicana Sweet Pickle.

I’ll bet some asshat has been giving you Miracle Whip slaw this whole time.

This was a really loaded Astros squad too.

Even if the bun splits both ways down!? Then it’s like a sub with an elongated meatball. That’s pretty effin whichy to me!!

Just be glad he plays in a large market, otherwise we get none of this magic.

Butter and hot sauce on popcorn.. How have movie theaters not done this yet?!