One could argue more deaths have occured while playing shuffleboard...
One could argue more deaths have occured while playing shuffleboard...
I dunno how much she profits, but if she shapes industry half as well as those cankles she's rolling..
No shuffleboard? No lawn darts?
The Browns official stance is that they will handle Manziel's finger internally..
Not trying to second guess you.. but I prefer to braise mine in a dolled up beer (lager or pilsner) concoction.. then crisp my fat cap in a broiler.. makes for super tender eats, and, if you for some reason you have leftovers it makes killer rillets to spread on toast with pickles and mustard.
Supply and demand.. industry likes to price gouge where they can.
After its all said and done, does Selig land a league-wide bobblehead night?
southeast Asia.. isn't that where avian flu has its roots?
Let's not forget how them sour sombiches can be wired up for a science fair experiment...
Rather than guidelines we should focus on betting lines.. I'd like to see Vegas and TMZ bust this open.
Being from ABQ I feel comfortable saying that this is a POLICE ISSUE. Not a race issue. Militarization of police forces is getting out of hand.
His buns were toast, until he meats the other guy.. chances are they got grilled in the post-game presser..
After the delay, rumor has it, Rory is slated to finish on the 9th at 9pm..
You see me chew don't you?!
he should score goals against Sweden.. last I checked they aren't exactly a powerhouse. But the 'best player in the world' should not be completely taken out of a game by the USMNT. He just leaves so much unused talent at home. If this guy played like Allen Iverson (hard, with grit) he would be undoubtedly the best…
I hope he gets turned back at the gates of heaven for being a fake, sellout, prick. With enough talent to run circles around everyone, but he cares more about getting calls from dives and showing off that Mr.Ed smile / Hitler haircut combo, while shirtless, because he scores a meaningless junk time goal. Fuck this…
Wasn't she a stunt double in Schindler's Fist?
Sounds like a good ceremonial pitch. And thorough.
Fucked up part is Olberman called this last night...