Duuude people in the 50s where like sooo far ahead of us, it's like they were from the future or something
Duuude people in the 50s where like sooo far ahead of us, it's like they were from the future or something
Apparently it will also do a burnout if you throw out the spare...
Maybe not a supercar exactly but still seems a hell of a lot of fun.
Rusty the Reliant
???????=grow a mustasch, a must have for all transam owners.
Na man it's real. It's basically just a 98 c70 with a new R-front slapped on it. You can see more pics of it here: http://www.garaget.org/?car=302298
Shame they stopped making it, good thing we still have the C60... or wait! no we don't, Volvo please make this!
When I was a child my dad got me an 1:15 model of both the F40 and the F50. After playing with them for a couple of months the F40 was toast (wheels come off, interior come out, rearview mirrors missing etc). I still have the F50 around here somewhere, almost untouched...
Best name and comment combo EVER!
Did YOU know that driving normally will also affect all of those things? And since you drive normally more than you're drifting I'd say that you're wasting an opportunity at having some fun.
What was your first car?
What's your dream car?
Duuuuuude I was so close to buying a brown 242 of the same year as the one in the picture, for only like 5000 kr ( that's 800 bucks for you non scandinavian folks). However I didn't buy it because I didn't think you could make it cool without repainting it.
Sure you could probably fit a v8 if you really wanted to but that would be stupid if you were going to drive a million miles. The B18 is probably one of the best engines ever made because of it's extreme longlife and durability capabilities.
I think what you're saying is; when Volvo stopped making actual good cars.
Haha I drive by this place twice a week :) It really is a shame that they're going too be closing down this track because of some old complaining people :(
Finally a car show that actually seems good! :D
Plymouth Road Runner logo, because screw logos with some deep history behind it or some other crap and let's base it of a kids cartoon show.