
I love that both their lives were wrecked.

I'm going to give her a break because according to gossip websites like Jezebel she recently had a baby, and that does in fact make you moody.

I thought they were cookies. Thanks. (I love the cookies, but not in the summer because then I won't look nice in my bathing suit).


I nursed three kids for a year each and my breasts were fine, beautiful actually until I hit 42 (dropped an inch overnight). Wear a good support bra and you should be fine, or not.

Thank you so much for posting this. I'm dying from laughter. Bookmarked forever.

Celebrity marriage = dog years

I'm going with Faye Dunaway.

I've had friends complain to their doctors about low desire and they've run hormone tests and prescribed them different hormones to help with the problem, usually testosterone??

"However, when a man is the less-desiring partner, we still tend to direct the blame at the woman — because men are supposed to want sex all the time, if a man is uninterested in copulating with his girlfriend or wife, she must be unattractive (or he must be gay)."

He's 19. The death penalty would be kinder.

I know I'm wrong because of how it has played out but it seems like leaving without offering assistance is a murderous action.

But once you leave doesn't it imply malicious intent? I guess not based on this case. Very confusing and sad.

My whole life I have thought that statue of limitations didn't apply to murder. Hit and run is considered murder, not vehicular manslaughter correct?

Exactly. I just wrote a note to my daughter's attendance office (why is she always so late to school?) in cursive. If I had used print I'm sure that she would be sent to the principal accused of forgery because my printing skills are on par with a five year old.

Don't Cha Stop by the Cars is what my first boyfriend and I listened to the second we had sex. I was sore for days. (Can you guess how old I am?)

Another commenter made a similar point and I'm not getting it. Where are you reading a sense of entitlement in his words?

That's what you took from the post?

I'm hoping it was because the menthols suited the chosen color palette.

Anne Frank at 12 seconds.