Frank Bigelow

How bout Turturro? He was superb.

God, I loved MC. Wish there had been a book based on the movie. Love G. Byrne too!

Bear broke his cast on the truck over rage he couldn't kill his niece, Simone. She'll return with a wig over a shaved head.

We didn't meddle in Syria now we have to take them. So much for my poor Dad getting no cost of living wage From SSD. But we can spend money on these people, horrible!

The Shah was bad but the Ayatollah was far more worse. Carter turned tail and ran from the Shah which led to what we face today. Ever since, Iran is fomenting revolution all over the Arab world. Of course, Bush was very wrong going into Iraq and Obama's weakness fueled that fire.

Nice refute, you can't. Just turn tail and be off with you!

Reagan would win again if he were alive and ran right now. Your boy, Carter started the Islamic revolution when he turned tail and ran from the Shah of Iran. That led to Khomeini and the rest is history. They released those hostages after Reagan was elected because they knew what would happen if they didn't. You

Just remember junior, Jimmy Carter presided over gas lines, 18% interest rates, high inflation and a misery index out of this world. Reagan changed all of that and I lived through it and never regretted voting for him twice. Now can you say landslide twice, after me!

She's been on a few times and the skit was not funny. The only thing funny is when the Clinton Crime Family has killed their friends, that's funny!

Nice try spook, but they hate the vast right wing conspiracy group I'm an honorary member of!

But, but, but, I'm an honorary member of the vast right wing conspiracy group so I gotta say this!

Because the Clinton Crime Family stands to gain any time a republican is attacked. I'd vote for Bernie before her and I have never voted for a democrat in my life. I was a libertarian and now looking at the Constitutional party to waste my vote on.

Hillary is a bigger asss and they had her on!

I'll never watch the show if John…what's his name again….hosts the show!

Actually Trump will elevate this failure of a show!