
What's your friends name? The Car and Driver thing didn't show many negatives about him and his company to me honestly. But I would love to see where he screwed your friend out of 40k, link me?

Imagine the driver; life flashing before his eyes and then the "i meant to do that"

what did he ever do to you?

"I'm sitting here, aero-suspension on, air conditioning on, radio on, the Range Rover is the perfect off roading experience." .....HAHAH this a joke? Maybe the perfect off roading experience for a rich teen girl with daddy issues. Your car barely got mud on it, you practically drove down an old dirt road.

"I'm sitting here, aero-suspension on, air conditioning on, radio on, the Range Rover is the perfect off roading experience." .....HAHAH this a joke? Maybe the perfect off roading experience for a rich teen girl with daddy issues. Your car barely got mud on it, you practically drove down an old dirt road.