King Slag

Nazis literally want to gas, torture, and enslave everyone on the planet who is not Aryan enough for them. So yeah, you fucking punch nazis.

Well, they are (seriously) ‘Paper Towel’ brand paper towels, so you just KNOW the quality on them is going to be pretty intense.

It’s not misleading at all. The author is using something called context. So first off, if the author writes: Mr. Donnie Drumpf tells ol’ Rexxie to quit wasting his time, the audiance has no idea what Rexxie is wasting his time doing. Is he tying his shoes all wrong? Does he continue to try to win the ring toss game

Yeah, if it wasn’t a cop it would be open and shut. But when a Cop is the perpetrator, victim eye-witness testimony AND forensic evidence don’t mean anything. All that matters is that Kelly said he didn’t do it, and we should all just leave it at that.

God I hate this shit.

2 things on this.

This is just like his invisible wall and the invisible aid to puerto rico.

Did you actually read the article or did you start to lose focus toward the end of the first paragraph?

Are you not able to read? Donnie specifically says that Rex is wasting his time trying to negotiate with NK. It is even in the article. just scroll up and you can see it. With your eyes. look at it, then process the words.

You know what, I’ll make it easy for you:

Can you kill 50 people with you bare hands whilst you are hundreds of meters away? Can you injure 200 more while watching them from a balcony in your hotel room by throwing those hands? No? Oh, ok. So maybe fisticuffs and firearms aren’t the same thing.

In Nevada it is easy as shit to get an automatic weapon. Do you not remember that little girl who blew her gun trainers’ head off?

Well, with the passing of Hugh Hefner, this guy has to work with something.

I want an app that lets me slap some sense into people over the interwebz. Al Gore - get on that shit.

My Father in law too. “I just don’t get why they’re so angry.” And it’s like, fuck dude, look around.

There sure is a lot of “should” in there. Also, we have the right to peacefully protest, and we even have the right to burn the flag if we want to. (This comes from #1 in the Bill of Rights, which happens to supersede your code of conduct).

It’s the Emperor’s New Wall! So all we have to do is start telling him how great his invisible wall is and he will fuck off about it.

Your ending won the day.

They always are. Look back to Rush talking shit about druggies, or preacjers telling you to not have sex w/o marriage.

Came here looking for chub, leaving disappointed.

You are soo stupid tho. The only people who would think you are smart, and would be taken aback at your self claims of being the smartest person in the world are complete morons.

You are not asking for objectivity, you want us to not criticise Drumpf and say we can’t because Barry and the little princess weren’t gems either. Also, modest is a good antonym. I can guarantee you that the way you present yourself makes people want to instantly not agree with you. You should hit up toastmasters or