Really? Because between the two of them Penny Arcade was the one to actually make me laugh this week and not just breathe a bit harder from my nose.
Really? Because between the two of them Penny Arcade was the one to actually make me laugh this week and not just breathe a bit harder from my nose.
Today on Highlight Reel we have uppercuts, Assassin’s Creed myths, tough horses, and much more!
Is it time for the same fucking comment to stop being made by the same cluster of dbags every week yet? Nobody is forcing you to read it.
Alpha Protocol’s writing feels very different. In Mass Effect everything feels static, just waiting for Shepherd to push things into motion. Alpha Protocol has a lot more of The Witcher’s style of writing where NPCs take matters into their own hands occasionally, which forces you to react to the world around you…
I still believe it has the best conversation system in an rpg to date and some of the best use of player choice involving characters and story within the genre. I’ve been lamenting about AP since I first played it and how Sega did not give Obsidian the time and budget to fully realize that diamond in the rough.
Alpha Protocol was such an underrated game.
It wasn’t about white Americans. It was about Asian Americans. While I think this movie looks silly and the casting was ill-advised, it’s very different. Japan is a country of very little diversity. It’s one of the most homogeneous countries on earth. The US is a very diverse country. If you are trying to cast…
Yet Asian-American actors have made themselves loudly heard on this, and they disapprove being categorically left out of leading roles.
Japan was never complaining, they were applauding it. it was white Americans that were complaining about GITS.
most of the japanese didn’t complain about the whitewashing and actually surprised when whitewashing was an issue internationally.
I am pretty sure the Asian people who are actually annoyed by the GITS casting are Asian American. One of the big problems with whitewashing (we can get into a debate about whether GITS is whitewashing somewhere else) is that there are plenty of qualified Asian American actors who would be great in the roles but the…