
Sorry, DJ!!

I'm with LaToya, worst episode of the season (though still better than other stupid summer shows). There were fewer one-liners I remembered/couldn't stop laughing at and fewer ridiculous, elaborate situations. Most of the situational jokes amounted to SEX!! Some of us will find the mere mention/suggestion of sex

But Hortense is still waiting for them to write that article, "using the color brown to accentuate face moles".

Well, it isn't that believable that she's having problems getting pregnant because of previous abortions (or that she refers to them as "operations"). Much like the severely closeted homosexual, this a trope that is 30 years out of date—true when abortions were done in back alleys instead of safe procedures in medical

I just hope this whole week is leading towards an in-depth analysis of why Stepbrothers is the greatest movie of all time.

You are correct, sir.

I've heard a couple critics say the rest of the season gets better, so I'll just go ahead and assume the following 8 episodes are all of rats gnawing on Vince Vaughn, and maybe someone punching him in the face whenever he says something.

Agreed, Emily did a great job covering this shitshow. I tuned in because the prospect of using children to commit murders and treason seemed like it would either be quite hilarious, or poignant. Oddly, the show just made it boring. The writers would have done well to listen to Emily's advice and show how the isolation

Yeah, who cares about this Singled Out shit, I want a ten page interview about the Surreal Life.

Just like his movies!!

Seriously. It's not so hard for me to believe she went all-in on parenting, but she's had 12 years of a seemingly capable kid in school all day. Now she suddenly shows her aptitude and drive as "a writer"?

Uh, my comment would have made a bit more sense if I'd properly typed she was totally kick-ass. She.

Deep meaning? It is you who says that it is ;).
I think it's just personal taste. I like listening to Starlee talk about nothing, wheras these brocasts of dudes talking about movies or music or whatever do nothing for me.
And I'm a science sort who hates Radiolab (but in a way that compels me to hate listen). Taste,

Yes, he was totally kick-ass and logical in these moments, and one of my favorites when she and Jon tell each other "You should get on a ship", and both realized that as leaders, they probably should, but were compelled to jump in to battle to save the last of their people. Which is why it was so dumb she was easily

I got a foot at the end of my gam!! (typo, paragraph 2)

Also, kudos to coining rebillionizing. No google results. Quite a feat for 2015.

I first learned about this phenomenon from an episode of The Newsroom. Shocking!!

There are lots of better places than here.

Ah, that classic "old joke format", where a child asks, "what is rape?"

I read the wise cancer Betty storyline as Matthew Weiner's way of winning over/rubbing viewers' noses in their hatred of Betty. In interviews, he's revealed some Betty details came from his mom—the sandwich incident and dieting were mentioned on Fresh Air.