This is why you should never pee on a snake bite after eating a lot of asparagus.
This is why you should never pee on a snake bite after eating a lot of asparagus.
"I hope Tharold doesn't plan on turning the projects into a gated community."
J.R. was actually citing a quote that was left on the cutting room floor from the pet store fire scene in Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
Poor guy. I bet he feels like fuckin' shit.
It's probably a good thing that the NFL is known as the "copycat league" and not the NCAA.
Playing hangman just isn't that fun when the phrase of "breaking news" is the answer over and over and over and over again.
"Well sir, wheels don't just don't off and roll away on their own."
"He must have smelled popcorn." — Jay Williams
Another Lohan crotch shot making the rounds. SMDH.
I'm getting sick and tired of all the corporate ties to every sports arena. Fuck you, Corona.
Correction: People —-Body Parts —- Duke (Assholes)
stop cardinals
Doug's approach of using a card that wasn't reported stolen didn't work out too well for him.
That guy clearly has no Guile.
Can you believe how LeBron treated that fan? What, giving him/her receding hairline disease like that.
Does this mean I have to go back to paying attention to the Jodi Arias trial?