She has been on the right side of a lot of shit and no one EVER gives her credit. She is not a terrible person.
She has been on the right side of a lot of shit and no one EVER gives her credit. She is not a terrible person.
I take Adderall as an adult, it’s in the same ballpark of Ritalin.
Anyone been prescribed Ritalin as an adult? I say this because I’m out of the age range that had it as an option as a kid, my parents just signed me up for every energy depleting sport (which I loved). Recently has been brought to my attention that I might benefit from ADHD drugs.
Is that before she “grew into her nose”, as we used to say about all the rich girls who needed “corrective surgery” for their “deviated septums”?
Ok I have sort of a generalized question: I know everyone thinks billy crudup is a dick for leaving Mary Louise Parker when she was pregnant....would it have been the same if he didn’t leave her specifically for someone else? I have acquaintances where there were clearly issues before they got pregnant, and then they…
She’s always been tacky but this is next level Glamour shots for rich people tacky.
These photos are embarrassing, get over yourself.
Yup, how about she stops with the cultural appropriation?
I am having embarrassment on her behalf not that she cares or needs it
That’s the hot take needed in this comment section.
We can duck and cover in the corner together. I thought the pregnancy pics were a bit over the top but this is beyond.
These photos are embarrassing, get over yourself.
I end up doing this (or taking a brown lipliner to an orange lipstick and then covering it all with a gold shimmer). Melt looks really, really good, though. Thank you for the recommendation.
Also, has there ever been a prize for best individual episode? Because Girls’ American Bitch episode was fucking beautiful. I know everyone here hates Lena Dunham and thinks Girls = Lena, but that episode was a work of art.
People say the most awful things to people with cancer. Well, they say the most awful things all the time to everyone, but you really notice it when you’re covered in scabs from chemo injections. A friend of mine looked me deeply in the eyes and asked, “What have you done to bring this into your life?” I told her I…
I have had a foster dog for 3 years. He can’t leave, and I can’t formally adopt him yet because of his behavioral issues. He was gentle and friendly in the shelter— because he’s an extremely sensitive dog, and when you separate him from me, he shuts right down. The rescue and I have worked with 3 dog trainers, and…
There were times where he was the only likable character on that show. How sad, he was so young.
The fact that no one booked hotel rooms is AMAZING to me. Like what a perfect representation of how awful this government is.
So, I can’t hear the new Jay Z album? :(