
Look, without making myself completely doxxable, I will say that this falls under my wheelhouse of expertise and as far as I can tell, the truth of the matter is that this was a truly impossible situation for Comey. “Sources and methods” may be a vague concept for most people, but the reality is that years of work and

Have fun in Cuba.

There’s no guarantee things will work out how you want them or think they should be, but trying is better than not. At the least, you DO find out whether or not someone’s friendship is more effort than it’s worth. If you want to try, you have to be as willing to listen and understand as you are to talk. Maturity isn’t

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Unless my Tinder date tonight turns out to be a better murderer than my Tinder date last night.”

I don’t think its a writing decision that has made Titus the main character: I think Tituss Burgess is just that big of personality and that good of actor that the show was going to gravitate around him anyway. It’s like how Sheldon was originally not supposed to be the center of The Big Bang Theory, but the group of

I think the one-liners are better than ever this season. I.e.

My own unscientific theory is that being an attractive, rich celebrity can remove some of the incentive to work on your marriage/ relationship when things get rough. I love my husband, we have been together 20 years, but I’d be lying if I said we had not gone through some rough periods when I considered throwing in

I can’t believe the president is such a whiny lil bitch

am i the only person who’s heartbroken about jesse williams getting divorced from wife? yes? okay. :’(

I’m only disappointed to hear that the star goes some periods of time without being vandalized.

I thought Naya had a baby and was married? I recall her showing a magazine her designer baby room while she was pregnant...

Why should you be surprised that he doesn’t use protection? The guy has never played defense once in his life. /deadspin’ed

reminds me of:

I have no interest in getting married, but I’d kinda like to have a wedding so I could play Mountain Goats’ No Children at the reception. Because that would be some funny shit.

I want Closer by Nine Inch Nails at my wedding.

Ugh. I’ll go out on a limb and guess that a guy who breaks up with you because the sex wasn’t good the very first time that you did it is either: a) young, b) inexperienced, c) hung up on someone else, or d) some combination of these things.

Add Elijah to that list and I’m right there with ya.

i do too. i only love adam, ray, and shosh. everyone can get fucked.

I love Girls, and I too got emotional watching Sunday’s episode. I really love Girls because every now and then they just absolutely nail what relationships feel like. Did you watch the credits when it had a scene from Adam’s movie of him and Hannah first meeting? I loved it.

I’m not team Kris or anything, but it would take a genuinely special person to truly support your spouse through a gender transition. To do so while also an international “brand” that necessitates your laundry being on television, even if that were a life you had chosen makes it more complicated. Add to the mix that